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This 8-week course will consist of the following: 

· Support through the Wix App

· Support and feedback on key training sessions 

· 1-week pre-testing week 

· 1-week post testing week 

· 6 weeks of training based on the Watts training method 

· 4 training sessions a week 

· Improvement in your power/intensity output in all training zones 

This program can be used on any CV machine that displays a WATTS output measurement: 

· Concept2 rower (Erg) 

· Concept2 SkiErg 

· Concept2 ErgBike 

· WattBike 

· Assault Bike 

· Airdyne 


All file sharing will be done via email or Wix App 


This course is available anytime, you choose. We understand that not everyone likes a group environment or indeed social media as a platform. Individual athletes can share their journey and tag the coaches to get additional feedback through the other platforms we operate. 


This is a must to understand the methodology we operate and we have seen positive results with every athlete that has committed to the program.

Training Packages: Schedule
Training Packages: Schedule


The ‘Perfectionist’ group is for anyone who has completed the level 1 course and subsequently is aware of our training methodology. There is no contract, every athlete stays as long as they want. Minimum stay is 1 month. Each 4 week block is conducted with a 3:1 loading/unloading phase to ensure that we allow for growth and recovery. 

This Perfectionist group will consist of the following: 

· Admission to a private training group on FaceBook 

· Weekly tips and information sharing to grow your training knowledge 

· Support and feedback on key training sessions 

· 4 training sessions a week 

· Improvement in your power/intensity output in all training zones 

This program can be used on any CV machine that displays a WATTS output measurement: 

· Concept2 rower (Erg) 

· Concept2 SkiErg 

· Concept2 ErgBike 

· WattBike 

· Assault Bike 

· Airdyne 

Access into this group is available upon request. This can also be conducted without access to social media and individual athletes can adopt the program in their own time with coach feedback through other platforms such as WhatsApp or email.

Training Packages: Schedule


The WattPower Affiliate Program has been designed to offer a conditioning platform using our proven progressive methodology to box or gym owners. We will provide the following for any box or gym that wanted to offer WattPower Condititioning Classes; 

· 12 Weeks Progressive Program 

· 3 sessions per week 

· Supported training for the coaches delivering 

· A closed FaceBook group for your box or gym team with one of our coaches 

· Improvement in your power/intensity output in all training zones 

This program can be used on any CV machine that displays a WATTS output measurement: 

· Concept2 rower (Erg) 

· Concept2 SkiErg 

· Concept2 ErgBike 

· WattBike 

· Assault Bike 

· Airdyne 

Why not join the WattPower ranks and have members of your community conditioning themselves as part of a collective journey. Experience rowers, skiers, cyclists and assault bikes athletes alike all training at the same time in their own training zones as provide real live immediate feedback to the crew.

Training Packages: Schedule


The WattPower Indoor Rowing Workshop is a favourite of ours. You will experience first-hand our passion in coaching and our knowledge gained from years of training, competing and developing. Over a 3-hour workshop we will assist you with the following; 

· Understanding the Performance Monitor 

· Complete breakdown of the rowing technique 

· A complete rebuild into your individual rowing technique 

· Hands on coaching and individual feedback 

· A 2-week reflective period through a closed FB group, where more advice and knowledge can be understood 

This really is our favourite as we get up close and personnel to improve your performance on one of the best conditioning machines designed. We love the interaction with our athletes, the questions, the individual challenges that arise from immediate coaching and helping athletes understand coaching cues.

Training Packages: PaidPlans

Choose your pricing plan

  • Level 1

    Individual course outside of the WattPower groups
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • Level 2

      Every month
      Access to the ErgZone WattPower tracks and closed FB group
      • Works with PM5 to store, plan and record your sessions.
    • Level 3

      Get in touch for custom training plans
      Valid for one month
      • Level 4

        Valid for 6 months
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